The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125723   Message #2787580
Posted By: akenaton
13-Dec-09 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
The problem is, that if man made pollution is destroying life on earth and I'm sure it is, what exactly are we going to do about it.....recycle our newspapers?

Already capitalism is moving East, finding undeveloped countries, cheap raw materials and slave labour.
Soon the whole world will be a reeking workshop, because capitalism cannot stop expanding, if it does, it dies....and its leaders will ensure that while there is a cent of profit to be squeezed from planet Earth and its inhabitants, the system will go on!

Anyone seriously wishing to start reversing the damage already done, will have to accept a drastic lowering of living standards, on a scale almost unthinkable at present......central heating, production and use of electricity, mass production of consumables, importation of food and raw materials, foreign travel for social purposes and a host of other energy wasteful activities would have to be curtailed or banned.......putting these measures into practice might just be possible......after the riots had been put down and the leaders shot.....but how are we going to stop the huge populations of China and India from trying to attain the standard of living that we have enjoyed for the last sixty or seventy years?
Are we prepared to be serious about global warming? Or do we just like talking about it? If it is a reality are we already too late to have any effect? What about "human rights" a matter which concerns many here, how do peoples rights fit into any mission to save the planet?

Or do we just give up, admit that capitalism and technology have fucked us and the planet.....steal what we need to survive another few decades and let the future look after itself....Ake