The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125723   Message #2787721
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
13-Dec-09 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Al Gore and I agree, however, on the wisdom of reducing our harmful industrial emissions and helping to clean up the air and the rest of the environment, regardless of whether we caused Global Warming or not.

I just don't buy his specific theory about it, that's all, but I do agree on cleaning up our act. Given that I want to do the same thing that he wants to do (in a general sense)...what's the problem with my disagreeing about his theory? What difference will it make to what happens?

True enough Little Hawk - the puzzle is how all this speculation about the causes of Global Warming can be used by the likes of Palin as grounds for trying to block moves to stop humans continuing to make things worse.

It's like arguing about the causes of a fire rather than doing what we can to stop it burning us all up. Orvrather, it's like actively sabotaging the efforts of the firefighters, and setting new fires. There are people who do precisely that, and they are not very nice people.