The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125723   Message #2788158
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Dec-09 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Perhaps it would be more fun to compare Palin's and Gore's wardrobes and hairstyles, Amos? ;-)

I don't think her comments on Global Warming being a result of natural cycles indicate much (if any) knowlege on her part, I think she just got lucky because she would naturally oppose anything Al Gore says, and Al Gore's not infallible (at least I doubt that he is...whaddya think?) so he might be mistaken about something now and which case, if Sarah opposes him on THAT particular thing...which she naturally will and with no hesitation at all...then she gets to be right by default on that particular thing whether she knows much about it or not.

After all, even a non-functional watch is right twice a day.

Think about it. You could pick anyone at all...just contradict everything they ever say...and sooner or later you'd be right about something and they'd be wrong...even if you were a complete moron.

It might take a long time........but imagine the thrill of triumph when you finally end up catching them in an error. ;-)

I knew a guy who couldn't win a chess game against me (or anyone else we knew) but he kept on trying. He was a pretty lousy chess player, but he was determined to persevere till he beat me. Well, it must have been our fiftieth game, and my own overconfidence or just plain lack of attention betrayed me and I got so busy thinking about a trap I was laying for him that I completely forgot that his bishop was aiming at my queen (after I moved this other piece to set the trap).

He saw it, but he could hardly believe it, so he spent about five minutes sweating bullets, thinking that I wanted him to take my queen for some reason that would prove fatal to him. I wondered what the hell he was thinking about so hard...then I saw it. OUCH! Would he do the obvious? Well, he finally did, and there went my queen. At this point I had to start playing REALLY HARD! Yessir. I put up a fine defence, and it took a long time, but he finally managed to wear me down and got the checkmate...........

And he went absolutely berserk.

He leaped up, and started yelling things like: "WHO IS THE CHAMP? I AM THE CHAMP! YOU STINK! YOU ARE USELESS! I'M NEVER F**KIN' PLAYING YOU AGAIN! YOU STINK, MAN! YOU ARE THE WORST F**KIN' CHESS PLAYER I EVER PLAYED AND I AM NEVER PLAYIN' YOU AGAIN!" He danced all around the room in a frenzy yelling stuff like that for the next couple of minutes. Yes, this is the joy that comes over someone who has never won a game before, and if he's just a shall we say...immature...then he may react somewhat as my friend did.

It was pretty amusing, and probably one of the greatest moments Jim ever had. As it turned out, he refused to play me for about 3 weeks after that so he could preserve his "winner's" lustre for awhile and tell everyone how badly I "stink" at chess. ;-D

Then things got back to normal.

I betcha Al Gore gets caught now and then just the way I did. If so, Sarah Palin can dance around the room and yell "WHO IS THE CHAMP?" or something to that effect.