The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123172   Message #2788335
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Dec-09 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
Subject: RE: Folklore: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
Sorry Winger, really no time to go into this but I am not confusing it with Castlereaigh's funeral, nor am I with the report of crowd disturbances as reported in 'The Lady' Magazine, (also reported in on of the Nelson biographies).
You don't say if it appears in Spokesmen For Liberty - I no longer have my copy. Nor do you comment on the relevance to the o.p's necrophobia on this thread.
In the end, you may take or leave MacColl as you wish; I have described him as I knew him, which bore no resemblence to SO'P's biliously spiteful image. I can also judge him by his work, the songs (his own and those he breathed new life into), the collecting work, the research on singing, his spending ten years of his life working with new singers, and his willingness to pass on what he had and knew to anybody who asked.
I've shown you MacColl's, S'Op, now you show us yours.
Beats the shit out of Ralph Harris, Ewan Whose Army and all the other small minded, mean spirited, vitriolic, axe grinding necrophobia hands down as far as I'm concerned.
I know of old that it is a waste of time asking S.O'P to substantiate any of his claims - where there are any claims - he doesn't go there.
So make up your own mind - this is just another shit hill, as usual.
Jim Carroll