The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125723   Message #2788348
Posted By: Bobert
14-Dec-09 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
The probolem here isn't who would win a live Gore v. Plain debate on claimate change and global warming... He would kill her in the eyes of everyone that isn't part of her fringe extreme... But if this is allowed to be fought out in the media with Palin's team of Big Energy lobbiests then she can go toe-to-oe with ol' Al... This isn't necessary realted to, ahhhhhhh, actual facts but the perceptions that folks have of global warming...

The Big Energy lobby has plastered the media with ads that have created ***doubt***... Might of fact, Big Energy even advertises on Keith Olberman??? But then again, so does the health insurance lobby...

Face it, these are the same folks who wrote the ***mystery*** energy policy with Dick Cheney back in '02... We know who they are even thought the Bush administration invoked executive priveledge and exective order to protect the American people from knowing who these folks are... But nevermind that... They have set up shop in Palin's camp and are makin' her the spokesperson of doubt...

Now to my progressive friends here... Get real and get political... If ya' want an planet-friendly energy policy then get off the Global Warming Express to Nowhere and get talkin' clean air and toxic waste and renewable rersources... Folks can beleive that stuff...

Just my observations...
