The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125446   Message #2788936
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Dec-09 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2009 Dec. De-clutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: BS: 2009 Dec. De-clutter & Accountability
For me, and I suspect most of us, "starting" to recover isn't quite it.... it's ongoing and always vulnerable to life crap (like when work stuff has hills and valleys). I AM having a good day. Some of that is the result of holding firm on some potential crazy-making crap that was offered to me. Mostly it's that I trusted my best thought that SLEEP is, as I thought, ESSENTIAL and notnotnot a frill. For me.

I did talk to my great doc today and got a use-as-needed scrip to shore up a few loose boards. :~)

But the BEST of the day has been figgering out the perfect Xmas gift for a dev-disabled band member/roadie. Roadie who wants to PLAY music. James RULES, and he's getting Edith's (our band founder's late wife's) autoharp, with lessons starting in January, and we'll present it Sat. Night as a surprise with his mom in town to be there as well.
