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Thread #125759   Message #2788966
Posted By: OG1
15-Dec-09 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tony Blair Finally Tells the Truth
Subject: RE: BS: Tony Blair Finally Tells the Truth
WMD's, WMD's, WMD's; it has never been about WMD's.

Attacking the Iraq and Afghanistan, and any other war for that matter, are not about: "The US having just been shown how vulnerable they were to attack". The "911" incident was just the perfect pretext for war that these criminals needed and wanted. "Remember the Maine!" -Teribus

What it has always been about is domination of territories for the exploitation of human and natural resources. Check out the links below; you will then see how far back this crap goes, and who the players were then and are now. Basically, the same people that dominated everything one to two hundred years ago are still doing it today. All these wars, news propadanda, so called "terrorism" is just part of the "shell game" of information and disinformation that the true owners of this planet have been practicing for many a decade.

Wars do not happen by accident. They are meticulously planned over months if not years, notwithstanding the ineptitude and sheer stupidity that "G.W." and his cronies demonstrated during the previous administration. It is not by accident the Obama is continuing the wars the "W" started. These puppets are just following the script that was placed before them.