The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123172   Message #2788972
Posted By: MGM·Lion
15-Dec-09 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
Subject: RE: Folklore: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
Re my reference above to Nelson as Governor of Naples, contradicted by Les from Jull at 10.00AM — he made himself so by right of conquest. As well as on account of his affaire with Lady Hamilton in Naples, he made himself hated by sailing into the city in 1799 and de·facto taking over the government by force of arms. A revolution had just been put down, and amnesty promised by the restored government to the Revolutionaries. But Nelson, fearing these had been acting under French influence, arrested them, declared the amnesty promised by their government null, and conveyed them by the boatload to his own flagship. There they were court-martialled and summarily hanged at the yard-arm, the body of their revered ringleader, one Admiral Caracciolo, being flung immediately overboard. It was this high-handed action of setting at naught an amnesty previously granted by the legitimate government on regaining control, followed by such unjust and irreverent atrocities, which has made Nelson's name hated and despised in Naples, as far as I can gather to this very day. The Hamilton business was merely an aggravation to the already-felt hatred. {Reference: Naples in 1799 by C A D Giglioli}