The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125650   Message #2789245
Posted By: black walnut
15-Dec-09 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: House Concert Memories
Subject: RE: House Concert Memories
Welcome notloB! Thanks for putting your very first post here.

Most house concert hosts in our part of the world give all or nearly all of the money in to the performer. We take a tiny bit off the top toward the snack and coffee. It doesn't cover it all, and we "lose money" each time, but we love what we do. We love having live music in our house and a lively audience, so for us it's like hosting a house party.

We can only fit a bit more than 30 people. Some people have special rooms that can fit more, but we have a big living room and a dining room that serves as a "balcony" of 3 rows, and that's how many we can fit in.

Yes, notloB, a lot of the joy comes from the time spent with the performer before and after the concert. We sometimes have them stay overnight, and they are always invited to a sit~down dinner beforehand. that James K. He's a great singer~songwriter and obviously a powerful guitar player. :-)
