The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123172   Message #2789537
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
16-Dec-09 - 07:48 AM
Thread Name: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
Subject: RE: Folklore: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
Here we go again!

reckon you are letting your prejudices show there a little.

I don't deny it. My respect for EM was as a singer of traditional material; I never liked his own stuff over much.

and nowadays ordinarly people talking on radio is regarded as normal.

Albeit edited by the powers that be; much as Ewan edited them to suit his own purposes & agendas. Next you'll be telling us that Reality TV is the true Voice of the People. Hell, maybe it is at that.

I am not sure what is so revolutionary about their particular music. Would you be kind enugh to explain? & What anti-apartheid message was being put across in the jazz played by those mentioned above?

Their music soaks in he radicalism of their culture and struggle; it embodies that struggle in every phrase and nuance and addresses itself directly to that fight. The music is the message; just as the music of the free-jazz musicians in America - Coltrane, Sun Ra, Albert Ayler, the Art Ensemble of Chicago, Don Cherry etc. - whose radicalism was embodied in their art.


You "saw" Ewan, and perhaps Peggy, at a single gig, and from that you have formulated your contempt for them as people.

Pushing your perceptive powers to the limit I see there, Bryn. This isn't about EM as a person, it is about EM as a figure of the mythology that has grown about him - hence the Folklore prefix. I do not doubt that you had a deep and loving personal friendship with EM - but it does not matter one jot to his reputation in the realm of celebrity and legend. My personal feelings about his music are incidental, but you're way off if think I harbour personal contempt for the man.

My intention here was to gather up some folklore, instead I find myself tried and tested by what amounts to a religious inquisition, the members of which feel compelled to deride me with such personal put-downs as: In other words, IMO you have squandered any credibility which you might have had.

Get over yourself, Bryn - stick to the facts without resorting to such puerile attacks.