The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24405   Message #278959
Posted By: Naemanson
16-Aug-00 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: 3 crop circles near Orillia
Subject: RE: 3 crop circles near Orillia
There have been some comments that skeptics do not want to investigate these occurrences. I'm sorry to deflate that but there is an organization that specializes in such investigations. They publish a monthly magazine called the Skeptical Inquirer. The problem they have is getting results under laboratory conditions or getting the claimants to agree to a control on any experiment.

These are not people who necessarily go into these experiments with closed minds. They are genuinely interested in finding proof but they require that proof to conform to the scientific method. So far they have been unsuccessful. This does not prove that the phenomena do not exist, they insist, just that they are so far unprovable and therefore should not be accepted as fact.

William of Occam said it best. Paraphrased it is that the simplest of explanation is the best one. Which is the simpler explanation of crop circles, aliens crossing interstellar distances or weather and hoaxers?

I firmly believe in extraterrestrial civilizations. I do not believe that those civilizations would cross the unimaginable distances between stars to merely make circles in our fields.

One of the things that people seem to forget is how far apart our worlds are. The light from our nearest neighbor takes over four and a half years to reach us. The fastest vehicle cannot begin to approach the speed of light so we are talking twenty to thirty years to cross that gulf. Our next nearest neighbor is over 6 light years away. Where is the logic in crossing those distances and not stopping in for a chat and cuppa?