The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125838   Message #2789679
Posted By: Amos
16-Dec-09 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: Equal Rights for Gay Marriage
Subject: Equal Rights for Gay Marriage
D.C. Council Approves Gay Marriage

Published: December 15, 2009 NYT

WASHINGTON — The City Council passed a measure Tuesday legalizing same-sex marriage, making the nation's capital the first jurisdiction below the Mason-Dixon Line to allow such unions.

The bill, which passed by an 11-to-2 vote, may still face obstacles in Congress, among city voters and in the courts, but most advocates of same-sex marriage say they expect it to become law by spring. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty has said he will sign the bill.

"Today's vote is an important victory not only for the gay and lesbian community but for everyone who supports equal rights," said Councilman David A. Catania, an independent and the author of the bill.