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Thread #125723   Message #2790217
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
17-Dec-09 - 06:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...

Compare Gore's interest in lying to that of the oil companies. Gore would be personally much better of without GW as an agenda. He certainly would be richer. He probably would have been President.

"So you buy into the Obama claim that anyone reporting anything critical of him is not a real "news" station?"

Where the hell did this BS come from? If you are going pretend I said things that I didn't, you don't need me. You can have the conversation all by yourself. Just as "Newsmen" O'Reilly, Hanity and Beck do.

No Fox "News" is not a News Channel and I was saying that long before I had even heard of Obama. I enjoy Olberman because he says funny things that I agree with. I do not get my news from him. On controversial topics I often compare news sources. Fox "News" is an enterganda channel. MSNBC is more opinion than news but when they report news it is with as little bias as any US network. The same cannot be said for Fox "News".