The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125723   Message #2790225
Posted By: Bobert
17-Dec-09 - 07:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Speaking of facts... I really don't have time right now to figure out if Palin is getting paid by The Big Polluters Lobby or if they are helpin' her with her musings/writings but I suspect that she is getting help on both counts...

Al??? He could use some help...

The problem is that if you are pro-human and pro-Earth there aren't alot of well funded lobby groups to get behind you and help in the slog... But if yopu are willin' to be a spokesman for the corportists it really doesn't much matter if can't name any of the newspapers you read...
