The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125723   Message #2790670
Posted By: GUEST,Peadar (formerly) of Portsmouth
17-Dec-09 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
As far as I can tell, neither side has irrefutable evidence to state that climate change is/is not caused by human action. But whether it is or isn't man-made seems kind of beside the point: The scientific evidence strongly suggests that climate change is real.

The VAST majority of the scientific community (and pundits like SP and AG) seem to agree on that basic point…so whether it's caused by natural cycles or humanity, can we agree that climate change is real?

Yes? Good. Then I have a question.

Since we don't/can't know the true cause of climate change, what exactly is the argument against taking preventative measures in case it is caused by humans?

We take all sorts of preventive action based on imperfect evidence – from everyday things like taking vitamins and herbal supplements to improve our health, to invading countries that pose potential regional threats based on human intel.

So unless your wealth is generated somewhere along the fossil-fuel-economy, what is the objection to taking step in case climate change is caused by mankind?