The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125723   Message #2790789
Posted By: Bobert
17-Dec-09 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Well, Eb... Ake is onto something here and that is that with our current populations and our reisitence to major pardym changes if we were to suddenly make the kinds of changes that are needed to effectively curb CO2 then, yeah, alot of cities, which are major CO2 producers would become ghost towns... I'm not too sure about the starvation aspect but people would have to quickly change their carnavourous habits/diets and alot more people would have to start growing some of (or all) their own food...

I would hope that we haven't reached the tipping point and that we collectively get it very soon so that we, as earthlings, can plan how this is going to work... One model that is being touted as a possibility is the "work, live, play" model where people no longer have to commute to jobs... I persoanlly lie this model because it can reduce the heck outta CO2 while also improving the quality of life for everyone... But the model are going to have to replace just about everything we do and how we do it...

I am at a loss as to how we can get the population educated enough to accept a much different paradym without having to kill off the corportists who have the planet by the proverbial balls... That is going to be tough, especially in a "Brave New" world with so many dumbed down epsilons who are especially incable of actual critical thinking???
