The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125802   Message #2790973
Posted By: georgeward
18-Dec-09 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: Is kytrad okay? Jean Ritchie UPDATE 30 Jan.2010
Subject: RE: Is kytrad okay? Jean Ritchie hospitalized
George, Peter, Jon,

As I sit here in what was Vaughn's study, surrounded by her lifework as teacher, singer and folklorist (and my own in the next room), I keep thinking I should be able to tease out the brilliant thread that is Jean that is somehow a part of it. It's elusive.

We've none of us seen each other for years, and yet.... There are people in this life who just by doing what they do and being who they are give life more character, depth and pure decency, for all whom they touch. And the ripples from that spread, grow and live. Jean is such a person. And for all she has done - and all of you have done - I wonder if she'll ever know how many lives she's touched. The real ones don't, I think. And Jean's as real as they come.

This whole thread says that much better than I just did, of course. But I wanted to try.
It's a way of saying you're all very much in my heart and prayers. Because you are.

- George