The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125619   Message #2791293
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Dec-09 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Suffer The Children (Dublin child abuse)-2
Subject: RE: BS: Suffer The Children (Dublin child abuse)-2
Just got back from a trip to West Cork and have no intention of becoming involved in the main discussion until I have had a chance to read all the posts - but:
Another incident of abuse to consider, albeit indirect.
A club bouncer in Kerry has just been convicted of rape and sentenced to seven years imprisonment. He was filmed on CCTV, after the rape, carrying his victim to a skip (dumpster?), where he was discovered bending over her unconcious body - he claimed he had "found "the wan*" there" .
During the trial parish priest FR Seán Sheehy appeared as a character witness for the rapist claiming he "didn't have an abusive bone in his body". The judge in his summing up commented on the unsuitable nature of Sheehy's 'evidence'.   
Following the verdict, Sheehy was among the fifty-odd locals (mostly middle aged to elderly men) who shook hands and embraced the rapist offering their support. Yesterday Sheehy appeared on local radio saying he would do exactly the same again, and challenging the validity of the unanimous verdict.
The rapists victim has said that, thanks to the reaction of Sheehy and the locals, despite the fact that she has family locally, she feels that the can no longer continue living in the area.
* Wan - female (slightly derogatory)
Jim Carroll