The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125881 Message #2791319
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Dec-09 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
Subject: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
Now THIS is funny! LOL! The local people's response to it is even funnier.
A California neighborhood reportedly is up in arms after a resident decorated his lawn with a depiction of Jesus shooting Santa Claus.
The controversial Christmas display shows Jesus pointing a double-barrel shotgun at Santa's dead body as Rudolph lays sprawled across the hood of a pickup truck nearby, WNCT reported.
Neighbors in Nipomo, Calif., called for the display to be removed, but its maker Ron Lake called it a work of art — in which Santa represents the commercialization of Christmas, the station reported.
"It's an expression of my repressed creativity," Lake told WNCT.
Police said that because Lake built the display on private property they cannot force him to take it down. Some residents plan to start a petition, the station reported.