The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125446   Message #2791362
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Dec-09 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2009 Dec. De-clutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: BS: 2009 Dec. De-clutter & Accountability
I'm here, Maggie, thanks. Just went out on my own since the "big" snowfall. I could've gone out earlier than today, but Rog isn't very good at getting rid of snow and ice, so I preferred to go out with him, in his truck, plus we upped the meds and I wasn't too keen on driving while i worked through the sleepy-making side effects. But the streets are fine's only our driveway which is still treacherous in spots. I manage.

I am being kind to myself and not worrying about getting back to qi gong until I've been on the zoloft a full month which is when the docs all say it should really kick in. That will be around the end of the month, great timing for a brand new year!

I made one sister a bracelet of black onyx hearts with red glass hearts and little tiny silver beads in between. The other is getting earrings made with silver and cobalt beads and tiny bells from India. Morgan designed a pair for my other sister with red and black glass beads. He was so proud that he knew his pattern for the second one and didn't even have to look at the other one to get it right. We've been learning how to use the bead board to plan out our patterns. It's pretty neat. I don't know about next week, yet, have to talk with my daughter. I am sure he will be over here, though. Yesterday he brought his goody bag from the school holiday party and shared his treats with me. "Mama" rates!

One other benefit I have noticed with the lifting of depression: my diet is much better and I am eating because I am hungry not because of emotions! I cannot count the number of times I have mentally beat on myself for not doing a better job. I will be writing more about this on my blog, I think.

I have a few books to wrap, then will close up the boxes to be mailed and be done except for getting Morgan's presents.