The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125796   Message #2791522
Posted By: Folkiedave
18-Dec-09 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
I wonder if anyone would care to comment on the disatrous launch of Terminal 5 and how that cost BA a fortune.

I know someone who was there to test the systems before launch. The tests showed it wouldn't work. It didn't work. BA staff got the management out of the fertiliser as I remember.

I wonder if BA management hedged against rising fuel costs? As I understand it most airlines did and BA didn't.

Faults on both sides you could call it. Perhaps if the management told us how much their bad decisions cost the company we might judge the workers' case a little more fairly.