The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125723   Message #2791583
Posted By: GUEST,John
18-Dec-09 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...

I was interested in your "25 bedroom" comment because my recollection was that actually Al Gore's house was a little bit smaller than that. It only has 20 rooms and 8 bathrooms, a pool, a pool house and a guest house and a $2500/month electric bill.

I know we tend not to be Palin fans on this thread, but is Gore really winning this debate?

Late breaking news: His website says he is retracting his "ice-free in 5 years" comments about the North Pole.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't get any debate points here either. Somebody better get their act together or the environmental message is going to take a beating.

We are convinced already, but I've got to tell you, I think the global warming consensus is turning into a serious scientific debate with a serious chance that the evidence may not support Gore.

If that is the way things go, I sure don't want our efforts to preserve our planet to sink along with one particular scientific claim.

About a million posts ago, you said that your environmentalism was a lot deeper than global warming alone. I am with you there. I don't want to hitch my hopes for a cleaner, more sustainable home for humans and other life to a failing hypothesis, if science shows "global warming" to be a false alarm.