The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125796   Message #2791593
Posted By: GUEST,weerover
18-Dec-09 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
Many (most?) people in the UK take out a mortgage the extent of which means they do not have a great deal of disposable income after all the essentials. A 30% cut would therefore mean that some (again, most?) might not be able to make their mortgage payments, and therefore run the risk of losing their homes. What other tool than industrial action do people have in these circumstances to resist the imposition of such severe cuts? I am not unsympathetic to those who suffer because of strikes, and indeed have missed out on part of a holiday myself in the past because of same, but there is no point in industrial action which has no effect on anyone.

What are the chances of the CEO losing his home?
