The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125881   Message #2791601
Posted By: Big Mick
18-Dec-09 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
I have restored the link to the video, but I do so with mixed emotions. In the end I did it because it is helpful to the flow of the conversation, and the "art" makes an important point, whether you agree with that point or not.

But I must tell you that the rules are clear, and it does not make a difference whether folks (no matter how fond I am of them) like them or not. GUEST posts are rarely allowed in BS threads. I know that you are doing this to make a statement, and I know that some don't like the latitude of the Mod's in this. But this is our rule.

Also, I am not going to discuss this further in this thread, nor am I going to allow the thread to be hijacked into a moderating discussion. Feel free to PM me on the issue, but any further in this thread will be deleted.

