The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2791750
Posted By: Bill D
18-Dec-09 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
Thanks, Don... that was a few more than one... but *grin*

Bruce! "They caucus with the Dems- AND ARE NOT REPUBLICANS."


I despair when you persist in shouting some technical, irrelevant 'fact' as if you'll win something if you keep proclaiming it.

Nelson and Lieberman, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR OFFICIAL DESIGNATION, are part of the 60 needed. Nelson has been more a Republican than a Democrat for years! Some suspect that he ran as a Democrat in order to observe and derail Democratic plans from within. Nebraska has only voted Democratic once in 50-60 years, and Nelson was not only a classic **conservative**, he was also and insurance executive! Some credentials for pretending to honestly help regulate health care....

Lieberman? The senator from Aetna? He is now beyond slimy and heading for despicable...

At least Senator Arlen Specter had the decency to officially change parties when he found the one he was in no longer suited him. not shout any more trivial 'facts' at me as if I can't read and do simple math.