The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125881 Message #2791760
Posted By: catspaw49
18-Dec-09 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
Ya' know........On the last trash day here. my neighbors across the street put out an otherwise perfect but HEADLESS 5 foot Santa. I was sorely tempted to take it just because it was what it was and HAD to have some use in the future. I thought if I didn't use it, I'd send it to Sins but better judgement won out......well, it won out long enough for me to change my mind and go out to get it only to find someone else had absconded with the Claus before the garbage guys arrived.
Lesson: Always go with your first stupid impulse instead of waiting to act stupidly later.