The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125881   Message #2793206
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Dec-09 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
A friend of mine had a great idea for an "answer" display to the guy in California who has done the display of Jesus shooting Santa Claus. One of his neighbours could do this:

Build a replica of a boxing ring. Surround it with a wildly gesticulating "audience" of hundreds of snowmen wearing fedoras and toques and scarves. Inside the ring we see Jesus wearing boxing gloves and lying sprawled unconscious on the canvas, clearly the victim of a knockout. At the center of the ring we see the Ref raising Santa's arm in victory, Santa (also wearing boxing gloves) having won by a KO in Round 3 (indicated by the usual sign).

This would be a spectacular answer to the first display, and would probably provoke further angry protests and demonstrations by offended people. With any luck this could be the biggest single news item of the entire holiday season, and could later be made into an animated film...

Disney wouldn't touch it, so I'm thinking...Pixar.