The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125911   Message #2793664
Posted By: SINSULL
21-Dec-09 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: New Years Eve at SINSULL's
Subject: RE: New Years Eve at SINSULL's
JAcqui must have been looking into her crystal ball and heard my post.
"these things must be done delicately...MMMWWWAAAHAHAHAHAHA"

So we're back to a buffet. No problem. I can be flexible right until the ham comes out of the oven.

That goes for you too Maeve.

I miss you Jacqui. So much going on and have no one to commiserate/giggle with. Kendall responds in single syllables. A Mainer you know.

Did you get a plum pudding for New Years?
