The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125881   Message #2793805
Posted By: Ed T
21-Dec-09 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Jesus Guns Down Santa!!!
From the

Nativity scene with a difference
Posted on: 12/14/2009 03:38

A member of our congregation is a sculptor by profession. He was asked by our minister to create a nativity scene for Christmas. As we are a progressive Christian congregation, I expected something a little controversial, but folks, I'm still reeling!

Mary wasn't the problem. True, she did look like she was an icon from the Greek Orthodox tradition, rather than the more traditional Catholic Mary.

Ah, but the little baby Jesus. There, nestling in His mother Mary's arms, was a not very appealing little monkey.

Now, I understood the significance, we are a progressive congregation that fully supports evolution theory. I also support artistic freedom when it comes to interpretation - but the truth is I'm not a happy camper when it comes to replacing the baby Jesus with a monkey.

It's made me realise how complex a lot of our views are.