The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2793844
Posted By: GUEST,KP
21-Dec-09 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Actually, I find the methane situation rather more scary than the CO2 one. We know that:

Methane is at least 20 times worse as a GHG than CO2;

There are vast quantities of it locked up in clathrates and in frozen soil, so there is potential for a nasty positive feedback effect if this gets released by warming/deforestation;

Other pollution (Carbon monoxide, sulphur oxides) causes methane to persist longer in the atmosphere;

There has been at least one methane induced major climate change and mass extinction

Also we probably don't know enough about the sources and sinks of methane.