The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125796   Message #2793975
Posted By: GUEST,999
21-Dec-09 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
If people did their best to avoid travel via BA when their prices are low--and let them know why in writing--, you'd go a long way towards forcing them to drop their prices when they do take advantage of folks. (Teachers get friggin' nailed because their holiday time just happens to coincide with the rush to go places and they pay OTT to get anywhere.) You can bitch all you want, but if you suck up to them when they offer basement prices, they will thank you by f*&k*&g you in the ass at peak season. And that's what they're doing.