The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125723   Message #2794056
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Dec-09 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
That would probably depend heavily on what policies he decides to publicly support or oppose when he campaigns, Ebarnacle. ;-) Chongo is a bit of an oddity politically since he is quite reactionary in some respects but quite liberal (if not downright radical) in others. For instance, he is totally in favor of gun ownership and wishes to encourage it as much as possible, but he is totally opposed to USA military adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wants to cut the Pentagon's funding in half and dismantle the Federal Reserve and put the dollar back on the gold and silver standard, but he favors loosening up the liquor laws and giving 16 year-olds the vote. He believes women should be equal in every way to men, but insists on his right to still refer to them as "dames" in any case. He's in favor of interspecies marriage. He wants to revitalize the space program and send men and apes to Mars by 2018 and do it not as a USA effort, but as an international effort representing all nations since "this here planet is all one place, one home, and we oughta act that way". He wants to end pointless confrontations between political states and find common ground through trade and cultural exchange. He wants to reclaim forestland worldwide, get off oil dependency, and fund alternative energy projects of every kind. If he handles it cleverly he could reach right across party lines with these courageous policies. On the other hand, if he screws it up he could end up registering less than 1% of the vote...

Ebbie, I met Chongo in O'Hare Airport on a trip I made once to the west coast. We got to discussing Edgar Rice Burroughs books, found that we had both read them all in our youth, and it was the beginning of a great friendship. That was back in '88. Chongo is an amazingly long-lived and healthy chimp for his age. He attributes this to a steady diet of "cigars, whiskey, danger, and dames". I personally think he's just got a very, very tough constition. Most people (and apes for that matter) would have died long ago if they carried on the way Chongo does.

Chongo realizes that it's unconstitutional right now for him to be president, because he wasn't born in the USA, but he figures that...

1. there will be a constitutional amemdment changing that in the next couple of years because...

2. Obama will do it to shut up the birthers, thus depriving them of their issue, and...

3. The Republicans will cleverly back the amendment so that they can run Arnold Schwarzenneger next time and capture the White House!!!!!!!!

The only thing that will be able to save America from a Schwarzennegger/Palin presidency that will rapidly become a full-blown dictatorship beginning in 2013 will be to vote in Chongo's APP in 2012!

Keep this in mind, folks. You know what you will have to do next time to avoid total disaster.