The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123172   Message #2795367
Posted By: MGM·Lion
23-Dec-09 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
Subject: RE: Folklore: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
A counterblast to all this o·so·predictable smug self·satisfied leftie bollox:—

To attract all this sort of yah-boo from a bunch of pathetic stuck·in·a·40s·Crippsian·groove lefties she must have done something right [which is both intended and not intended punningly — I think].

Do you genuinely think we were/are better off with Blair & then Brown pissing us all about? Away you!!!!! Our present troubles are down to that pair of wankers & you all know it in your ♥s: anti-Thatcherism is based on a combination of misogyny & doctinaire Marxist pigshit. The country hadn't been as worth living in as under her since the end of WWi, & hasn't been since for all Major's efforts to keep her momentum going after she cocked up on the Council Tax (the only thing she got wrong in 14 years) & had to go. You all know it's true, you are just in denial. If the railways had been privatised according to her wishes, e.g., instead of with this dog's·brekkie of separate organisations to grease the points and clean the shit out of the loos...

OK, so hate me the lot of you — I should cocoa...

luvyaz-all justa same! Mxxxxx