The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126022   Message #2796241
Posted By: Bobert
25-Dec-09 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Stoner Christmas Story...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Stoner Christmas Story...
Well, Ake... Ahhhhhh, it's like this, ol' son... You takes you a little cannibus sativa (prefeably the bud, ahhhh, flower...) and you either roll it up into this cigarette kinda thing (joint) or you put the stuff in a pipe and then you strike a match and put the flame from the match close enough to this cannibus stuff while inhalin' the smoke from the cannibus stuff... And then you either cough, or not, before yellin' out "Cowabunga", or "Wow, this is some dynomite shit", or both... That is a stoner...

Try it, you'll like it...
