The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126012   Message #2796980
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Dec-09 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
It's easy. Don't buy sprouts if any in the box/bag/whatever they're in are even thinking of turning yellow or looking wilted. I think the best way to buy sprouts is those huge walking sticks with the sprouts still on. Just take off the outer leaves. Cutting little crosses is a complete waste of time. How to get nasty, squelchy sprouts: boil them, sauté them, overcook them or use loose, old or frozen ones. The only way to get good sprouts is to use tight ones and steam them for around seven or eight minutes. They are very unforgiving of under- or over-cooking, which is why a lot of people don't like them. I start testing my sprouts after six minutes in the steamer and once every 90 seconds thereafter and I test by eating one, not prodding with a knife or fork, which is useless. You might have to cool the sprout in question under the cold tap first. The perfect sprout has a nice firm texture with no sogginess outside or rawness inside. You can do it if you try. Stay with 'em.