The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112189   Message #2797691
28-Dec-09 - 06:44 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Bernard Overton--1930-2008
Subject: RE: Obit: Bernard Overton--1930-2008
I worte the message above just after I saw Mr. Goldie's new website. I am pleased that from Sep he is using his own name. In this branch, a mark of the instruments does always mean the heritage. I have my master who has made Chinese bamboo flutes for over 30 years. He used his name after 10 years behind his master. I have Goldie's High D, Overton (original) low D and Overton G by Goldie (his marked his name inside the tube). This Oct I just bought a new Goldie's high D for my colleague. Her daughter loves the sound of whistle and has already being learning flute for five years. The instrument was a award to her for her sucessfully exam result.