The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126101   Message #2798374
Posted By: Lox
29-Dec-09 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Judicial murder in China
Subject: RE: BS: Judicial murder in China

Leveller, ignore Falco. His whole post is an obvious list of deliberate provocations.


Sinsull, Leveller hhas taken a second to mark the tragedy of a man who was murdered for a crime that he may not have committed.

He was bi-polar as was confirmed by his family doctor.

He was arrested in Urumqi.

For those who live in a media free hole, Urumqi is curretly in the midst of violent political upheaval. Thousands of people have died there recently, many of them Moslems.

I suspect that Akmal Shaikah, a Bipolar Moslem, got himself into trouble while speaking his mind.

I suspect that the drugs were indeed planted.


So we should avoid countries with the death penalty should we?

Ever been to the USA?

Back to Sinsull - Levellers point is about the death penalty.

You live in the USA.

Here's somethig you can do ... everything you can to stp your country commiting institutiionalized murder.


"then his nearest & dearest should have prevented him from undertaking such a potentially hazardous,for one whose Mentis is not wholly Compos,expedition."

So its their fault that he is dead - thanks for that.

"if we simply MUST go there, it is MOST UNWISE to take along,whether knowingly or un-knowingly,any proscribed substances."

So it is unwise to do something when you don't know you are doing it ... hmmm ... thanks for that.

"So,what do you suggest,Mr Leveller ??"

Try reading his post.

He said "I would urge anyone who condemns this behaviour to take a few moments to ponder on this issue in support of Mr Shaikah and the thousands of others who are put to death every year by barbaric governments across the globe."

In short - reflect on a ghastly event in history.

It was perhaps unwise of Leveller write this when there are bitter hateful people out there like you who will aggressively resist any suggestion to reflect on anything.

Instead you come up with mean hearted and preposterous reasons why he deserved to die.

According to you he deserved to die because he was an Idiot and so were his family.

What a twisted cruel heart you have.


to get back to the point of the thread,

I too found this very sad and I too think that the death penalty is the definitive mark of barbarism.