The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2798448
Posted By: Ed T
29-Dec-09 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Bill D.

But, a check of your post....does indicate you went much farther than you say "(He (Gore) is about a close to being a 'scientist' as one can be without actually getting degrees in something". To me this is disrespectful to the thousands of highly educated, skilled and dedicated scientists who contribute much CC knowledge to all of us. I know some of these scientists that contribute knowledge....and can vouch for the honesty professioinalism and committment of those folks directly.

I accept that what you seem to have meant (and did not say so well) is Gore is a smart, committed man for the CC cause. I certainl;y accept that....I suspect he has to be smart to be VP and almost USA President. That also puts him in an influential position.

Gore's contribution to public awareness of CC is significant.... He has been a strong public advocate and took complex information and got it out to the public. He possibly made a difference in climate change politics (it's too soon to tell). He influenced change in behaviour in many peoples lives....moving many towards greener living...all great accomplishments.

That in the past, it's back to logical discussion.

But, the essence of my point is Gore is also a good target for Climate Change doubters....some attack Gore, since they see him representing the weakest point in CC science (until the recent email case) to the public. Discrediting Gore works (with some) since many see Gore as the first person who raised CC in a documentary movie on the that represented CC science at the time. I suspect some of these folks actually believe Gore is a working scientist.

Dis credit Gore, his documentary (which is entertainment...based on science at the time...his politics and business interests and you shoot down CC science.   To me, this is illogical....but works with many who are on the fence... cerebral or less so. So, it is best to put Gore to the side....since that is actually where he is when it comes to discussing the merits of CC science.