The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126102   Message #2798466
Posted By: Donuel
29-Dec-09 - 10:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
The can of worms is that now we may have to hear Pat Buchannon scream that we are at war and that we should withold all treatment and pain medication from the crazy kid who set his genitals on fire and suffered 3rd degree burns. Torture the animal! Bomb Yeman! Don't let him have a lawyer or the ACLU will set him free, send this mass murderer to GITMO and throw away the key..etc etc. etc.


The fact is we are bombing Yemen. Most recently on Christmas eve and again 2 days later.

The crazy kid bought his ticket with help on Christmass eve eve.

He was accompagnied by a 55 year old man of Indian/Pakistani appearence who helped the kid get on the plane despite the fact the kid DID NOT HAVE A PASSPORT. Apparently a manager at the airport allowed this to happen.

PETN has failed twice to explode aboard a commercial plane. Perhaps this once succeeded but we were not told.

Short of X ray scanning everyone, or ridiculously asking people to sit palms upward for the final hour of the flight and denied all visits to the bathroom, will not stop these attempts.

This year a Suadi Prince survived an Al Quada explosion from a bomb activated by a cell phone call. The bomb was inside the terrorists rectum.

The US can not occupy 60 countries that harbor these whackos.

The only answer is a steady appeal to the moderate Muslims to police their own culture. When enough sane fathers report their crazy sons AND WE TAKE IT SERIOUSLY , maybe then this firnge will decay like our own KKK over a number of decades.
**********This is the only proven method that I have seen work in my lifetime.***********

Unfortueately it seems that the homegrown USA terrorists in the form of armed tea baggers, anti abortionists and Xeno racephobes with an arsenal and enough ammunition to kill a town, are being spurred on by a segment of mass media. Even one top level assasination could send this country into a sprial of violence and terrorism that the Muslim countries have found themselves in for generations.