The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126113   Message #2798612
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Dec-09 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chongo caught in blatant.......
Subject: BS: Chongo caught in blatant.......
And you thought Obama had problems! Chongo's many enemies and detractors have been accusing him of a number of misdeeds lately in an effort to derail his much anticipated 2012 campaign for the presidency.

Let's see...what have we got?

Well, how about...

- blatant drinking
- blatant swearing
- blatant specism (alleged anti-gorilla and anti-human rhetoric of the most extreme sort)
- blatant bad taste (Anyone seen his sports jackets? Don Cherry would cringe.)
- blatantly poor housekeeping (It's a zoo in there!)
- blatant debt (hasn't paid the rent on time in 13 years)
- blatant violence (guns, fists, knives, teeth, you name it)
- blatant traffic violations (way too many to describe)
- blatant lying (Even worse than Obama!!!)
- blatant womanizing (makes Tiger Woods look subdued and rational)
- blatant irresponsibility (a sort of general charge...lacks the dramatic sound of "blatant Lying", but will be much harder to disprove)
- blatant poop throwing! (this shocking charge has come from people who have utterly NO shame. They will stoop to any sort of vile innuendo to destroy a candidate.)
- blatant smoking! (Umm. Well, no argument there.)


I want to say on behalf of Chongo and the APP that NONE of these scurrilous charges are true. Well....I mean, most of them aren't. At least half of them aren't true. Some of them are untrue. At least a few. Definitely not all of them. It's shocking that people would attack a chimp and public figure of great character in this fashion, and it speaks volumes about how low the public discourse has sunk in recent years.