The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126045   Message #2798944
Posted By: GUEST,Carol Denney, the author
29-Dec-09 - 09:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Smokers Are Scum, a gentle song
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Smokers Are Scum, a gentle song
Most people do agree that deliberately exposing children to lethal secondhand smoke is wrong. The subject of the song is clear -- it's not about perfume. As a matter of fact, most smokers, not just nonsmokers but smokers, agree that exposing other people to secondhand smoke is wrong, and you can check the studies yourself if you like. I can't believe this is considered controversial, and people who deliberately expose children, pregnant women, people with pulmonary conditions and cancer survivors like me sure fit my definition of scum. If you don't agree that's just fine. I'm not angry with people who disagree. I think it's funny that people here thought the song was serious. It's ridiculous to attack someone for writing what's obviously comedy about something so universally acknowledged.