The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126102   Message #2798973
Posted By: Donuel
29-Dec-09 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
halleluya yemen

I am watching all the scoundrels running with this terrorist attack story to advance their authority, bank accounts or simply raise the noise level to drown out the voice of reason.

The first was the R congressman from Michigan who sent out letters to get donations so that he may protect American families on Chrismas day from terrorists. Then there was Pat Buchannon screaming that the bomber who detonated the bomb should have all medication withdrawn so that the torture from his burns will make him talk. Afterall the torture was self inflicted.
Tom Ridge is outraged that this bomber is to be tried in Federal court. But he was glad to have Richard Reed the shoe bomber tried and convicted in Federal Court under Bush. Both of these bombers used the same explosive and both were stopped in the same manner, by passengers. The only real difference was who was president at the time.
Security firms with elaborate expensive devices are out to sell with a vengence.
Cable news has a new 24 7 story that doesn't have the legs or a dead body of a Michael Jackson story or a Anna Marie story but it'll do in a pinch.

Glen Beck weighs in:
I can't wait to see the video from the airport of the older accomplice to this sick muslim murderer. Who was it? BARACK OBAMA? I'm just askin. Where was he on Christmas eve anyway. Hawaii? Prove it. I doubt you can Mr. Hussein.

Last but not least to milk this story is Al Qada who are crowing about how they got explosive powder past security systems in at least three countries. This episode they hope will recruit hundreds of true believers who will burn off their penis' at the bare minumum, or best of all blow their testicles through thier brains for Allah.

Not to be crass but if you read the internet postings of the "crazy kid" you will see how if he had only gotten laid EVEN ONCE this whole episode would have never happened.

(with tongue in cheek and elsewhere)

I blame the WOMEN!

Ladies, you could have prevented this kid from going ballistic.
Comon its not just chairity, its saving lives. This is clearly a case of linking abstinence to mass murder. How hard would it have been to just give Mohamed's flying carpet a tug. Jeez Louise, people are getting way too tight assed.

This is Smokey the bare saying, "only you can prevent abstinence.
Put out the fire before the fire burns you."