The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24481   Message #279911
Posted By: GUEST,
17-Aug-00 - 09:47 PM
Thread Name: Derivation of 'Kisses Sweeter than Wine'
Subject: Derivation of 'Kisses Sweeter than Wine'
I recently started a thread on a Leadbelly song that has the tune of "Kisses Sweeter than Wine"; but which is about a dead cow. (see If it weren't for Dickey). Bruce O. sent me to his web page, where the words to the "original" Irish version, "Drumion Dubh" are given.

Now I am curious how this lament about a dead cow, which says nothing about kisses becomes the somewhat smooth 60s folk song "Kisses Sweeter Than Wine". The Leadbelly version uses the same tune as "Kisses" and he seems to sing "Oh, Oh, kisses sweeter than gum" as the chorus. He does mention a cow dying, so this is somewhere in-between.

Pete Seeger does say that Leadbelly was a participent of his hootnannys in Greenwich Village in the 40s. I suspect that is where he learned the very English ballad that he calls "Gallis Pole". I suspect he learned some intermediate version of "Drumion Dubh" from this context. So I don't think he is a step in the evolution but rather he heard a step in the evolution at Seegers place.

By the way, the thread on Leadbelly's song asks for lyrics. So lets keep this thread for discussing the song, history, etc.

