The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2799320
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
30-Dec-09 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
I've recovered from a wonderful, completely exahusting Christmas and the kitchen table is almost cleared off. There are still a few containers of cookies, and three pies, so help yourself.

I've really been on a roll these last couple of days. I'm gathering my papers together to start working on my Income Tax, have put all my writings toward my next book together including parts of several chapters I started but had no time to finish, and I'm getting ready to start recording a CD of the gospel songs from my book. And paying bills. It feels good to be get back to projects I've willingly set aside for Christmas. We had just over 30 people here for Christmas, starting with breakfast and ending at 11 at night. It took a couple of days to recuperate and clean up, but it was worth it. In addition to all the normal chaos of getting family together (all on Ruth's side, as my family is all in the Midwest and South) I had a chance for a couple of private conversations with family members who are struggling to deal with burdens in their lives. Sometimes listening is the greatest gift you can give someone, so I was thankful I could spend the time with them.

By the way, Deirdre hasn't been able to get in to this thread for almost a month. I have no idea why, but she sends her love and wishes for a great New Year.

I hope Santa was good to all of you, and that the New Year blesses you mightily.
