The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126022   Message #2799469
Posted By: gnu
30-Dec-09 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Stoner Christmas Story...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Stoner Christmas Story...
Sooooo... Mumbles and Snatch got into the tequila shots. After a half a quart each, they fired up some Wowie and decided to look at the moon and make snow angels.

That's when they spotted the canoes that belonged to the Don of the next door residence. They tried to use it like a toboggan on the hill next to the dining hall but it kept nosing in and throwing them out. That's when they decided to take the canoe to The Old Arts Building... there is a sidewalk that runs on a pretty good hill down to Head Hall (yup... the Engineering building... I was a injuneer).

The canoe, an Old Town (the Don was from Maine), rapidly gained speed and hit the front of the Cadillac exiting the Head Hall parking lot with such force that the grill and radiator were toast.

Mumbles and Snatch were thrown on top of the Caddy and slid off the back of it, ran through the lot and into a back door of my residence and made their way to my room. I had seen the "accident" from my window after my roomie had said, "Check this out! Some nuts are in a canoe up the hill.", but did not realize who the nuts were.

Luckily, my roomie was 6'5" and so was Mumbles. Me and Snatch were about the same size too. A quick change of clothes and they left.

Now, here's the REAL stoner part. They went out and talked to the cops and the driver the Caddy. Said they saw two guys running like mad around Head Hall and down the hill.

Now, here's the best part. Wowie was hard to come by and it cost a lot more. Guess what fell out of Snatch's jacket pocket. >:-)