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Thread #125979   Message #2799827
Posted By: CarolC
31-Dec-09 - 01:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying

On 23 Dec 09 at 12:23 AM, you posted this:

"If you make less than $250,000 a year, your taxes will not increase a dime!"

"Our administration will be the most transparent one ever. Our discussions about revisions to health care will be televised on C-Span for all to see."

"If you like your health insurance you will be able to keep it!"

"I'm going to change how Washington operates! I will bring bi-partisanship to the nation's capital!"

These are not "exact" quotes because I write them from memory, but they are the gist of what our president promised while campaigning. Which of them did he follow through on?

You may not call it lying, but I have noticed from his many appearances on TV that he has a much longer nose eleven months after taking the oath of office than he did before.

On 23 Dec 09 at 01:56 AM, I responded with this:

DougR, of the promises you've listed how many do we know he won't follow up on?

On 24 Dec 09 at 03:38 PM, you responded to me with this:

Can you deny that Obama made the promises I and BB accuse him of lying about?

I did answer this one, several times. If you haven't bothered to read my response, that's your fault and not mine.

Then you proceeded to ask me a bunch of questions about points that I have not made. Why are you asking me questions that have nothing to do with anything I have said in this thread? I would suggest that you are trying to employ straw man arguments and trying to get me to defend things that I have not said as a way of changing the subject instead of admitting that you posted lies.