The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39014   Message #2800054
Posted By: skarpi
31-Dec-09 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: taylor guitars vs seagulls
Subject: RE: taylor guitars vs seagulls
well I have Seagull , and have had since 1995 and its my guitar
have alot of them since , only I have tested is better and that
is Martin OM 28 V a great guitar . I wish I could get it .

I also have Taylor 12 strings and what a sound .....woww .
good guitar , I dont know about 6 strings taylor s ยด

But Seagull is good guitar , but I guess if the neck doesent
fit in to your hand its not your guitar , then it doesent matter
its called , Martin Seagull , Gibson Fenfer , Honer , or what ever those names are .

all the best Skarpi