The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #2800206
Posted By: GUEST, Poxicat
31-Dec-09 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!
Well there is a government trying to hide behind manipulated and one-sided "consultation" to get its own way – again.

But the two elephants in the room are ignored.

Noise. In truly urban areas noise pollution hides it. In suburban and rural areas, you can go from pub to pub. The jukeboxes and TVs will be loud enough to identify the songs 400 yards away. Karaoke and live music will be loud enough to identify the songs half a mile away and more. It is no use pretending that noise complaints about amplified music achieve anything. At first the LA's "licensing officer" ignores you. If you are persistent, then a visit to the pub may ensue. Somehow everyone gets to know who complained, and then those who like the noise (and live over a mile away) will "visit" the complainer. All amplification in pubs should be regulated. The exemptions that there are should be removed.

Culture. Oh, yes, the department of culture media and sport. The culture that is in danger and should be the subject of support is not opera, nor ballet, nor proms for snobs, but English (or, in Wales, Welsh, or in Scotland, Scottish) folk music and song. It is so unsupported that its only supporter (so long as they can sing "Little Sir Hugh") is the BNP.

What is needed is that music that is not electrically amplified should be free from music licensing. That can be done by expanding the "morris dancing" exemption. Which can be done by statutory instrument.