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Thread #125979   Message #2800368
Posted By: Little Hawk
31-Dec-09 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Here's the problem, Bobert. If Obama were to attempt a 10-Point plan such as I would recommend, he would most certainly and without question be:

1. crucified for it by the political establishment and media in America

2. checkmated at every turn by that same political establishment and mass media


3. assassinated in pretty short order.

He would never live to carry out the 10-Point plan I would recommend...or that Dennis Kucinich would recommend.

So it's academic. It ain't gonna happen, no matter if Obama tried it or anyone else did in his position.

He is probably doing what he is doing because if he doesn't, he's a dead man.

I would:

1. Immediately begin withdrawing all US troops, mercenary contractors, and "advisors" from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Yemen, and all other Muslim nations that the USA is presently mucking around in. I would declare the "War on Terror" over. And it would be over, because the provocations that cause it would have ended.

2. Close not only Guantanamo, but also the various other secret internment facilities where the USA is holding prisoners without charges.

3. Apologize for having launched unjustified wars of aggression against both Afghanistan and Iraq, and pay them damages for the destruction that has been wrought in those wars.

4. Re-open an investigation into what happened on 911.

5. Institute a REAL universal public health coverage plan in the USA, similar to what exists in most western democracies.

6. Instruct the CIA to stop subverting foreign governments and engaging in covert operations on foreign soil...or else get shut down.

7. Cease giving military aid and moral support to client dictators in places like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, and many others. Cease giving automatic support to Israel no matter what Israel decides to do, and treat them by the same standard as all other nations are treated.

8. Change the banking rules in the USA so that the power of the banks to create vast amounts of money out of thin air is terminated.

9. Give the bailout money to small business and the general public, not to the banks.

10. Put the dollar back on a gold and silver standard (that is, each dollar redeemable upon demand in gold or silver). This would require major alterations in the currency, needless to say.

Anyone who was president and who attempted even a quarter of the program I recommend above would be killed in short order, so like I said, it's purely academic, and it ain't gonna happen. Imperial orders do not accede willingly to reforms that don't suit their imperial plans, and they will kill anyone who attempts to institute them.