The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125911   Message #2800821
Posted By: SINSULL
01-Jan-10 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: New Years Eve at SINSULL's
Subject: RE: New Years Eve at SINSULL's
Brett and Wakana are off to the airport. Everyone else has gone home.
Seamus is nestled in on the sofa for a long winter's nap. I am going to join him.
There was enough food for an army and lots of leftovers including champagne, I have to find younger friends. Tom's dips were amazing. And I actually loved the raisen sour cream pie. Definitely needs a name change - Dried Grape and Cream Delight, maybe? Pies and chocolates and cheeses and a new Nunzilla for whom no one is taking responsibility.

Got a call from (I thought) Big Mick and rambled on for a while until I was told "This is Pat Paterson." So sorry, Spaw but I think someone spiked my lemonade.

Happy New Year all.

Micca - they were all on their way to bed by the time Dick Clark announced dropping balls which led to a folk tale from Wakana about raccon whose...ask Brett about it.

The Raspberry Liquor is beautiful. Served it in dark chocolate cups. Jacqui and i are planning an afternoon of bad movies and good drinks. We toasted you, Micca. But no phone call. Sorry.
